Be prepared for your flotation appointment.

  • For your first visit orientation and to ensure you receive the full hour floatation session, please arrive 10-15 minutes early.

  • Try to schedule your appointment at a time when it is easiest for you to relax, similar to a time when you would book a massage. Any physical activity such as yard work, working out, etc. prior to your appointment will enhance your overall experience.

  • In the event you have showered just before you arrive, it is still required before entering the spa. All deodorant, hair products, body lotions, makeup, perfumes and colognes must be removed prior to floating.

  • The salt water will not harm colored or treated hair, however, we ask that you wait 1 week (2 weeks for red hair dye) after your treatment so as not to contaminate the spa water.

  • Please refrain from tanning with a bronzer or spray tanning sessions 48-72 hours prior to floating.

  • If you have large cuts or open wounds, are experiencing an illness, or it is during your menstrual cycle, please contact us so we may advise you properly.

  • It is best not to have a big meal or any caffeine within two hours of your scheduled appointment. You should avoid caffeine even longer before your appointment if you are sensitive to it.

  • Do not shave for at least 4-6 hours before your float, as the highly salted water will sting.  If you have any small cuts or scratches, we provide liquid band aid to cover those up.

  • Audio music, towels, shampoo, soap, and earplugs are provided for you.  You will have your own personal spa suite with floatation spa, shower and dressing area.  Our facilities are limited for those wanting to do hair and makeup before an evening out, so please let us know if you need extra time.

  • You may bring the following with you: iPod (soothing, relaxing, or meditative music only), an exfoliating pad or glove, cases for contact lenses, hair brush or comb, or a change of clothes. A swimsuit is not recommended, as the density of salt will make it uncomfortable.


1000 pounds of Epsom Salts (magnesium sulfate) helps relieve inflammation and pain, as well as being a mood-stabilizer and regulating electrolytes in your body, ensuring proper functioning of the muscles, nerves, and enzymes.


Buoyant Suspension in a shallow, warm solution allows your body to relax and be held above the water. It allows your body to lengthen while you literally float with no effort or pressure. Even falling asleep is safe in a float pool.


Complete Silence in a secure, private space is the most important aspect of floating. Our brains need a break to balance the negative effects of multitasking, overwork, anxiety, sleeplessness, pain, stress and the noise of our hyper-stimulated lives.


  • What is floating?

    Quite simply, flotation is the most effective method for stress relief and relaxation. The flotation tank has 10″ of water saturated with 1000 pounds of Epsom salt, creating incredibly buoyant water for you to float on. The water is heated to skin temperature (95.5 F). Once you’re settled, it is virtually impossible to distinguish what parts of your body are in contact with the water and which aren’t. Since your senses are void from input, the pool is sometimes also called a sensory deprivation pool. However, we often notice our senses go into hyperdrive while floating right down to hearing yourself blink, which makes for a pretty amazing experience.

  • How long does one float session usually last?

    A float session is typically one hour. to 90 minutes. The hour usually goes by waaaay faster than you’d expect (our average customer usually says it felt like 30-45 minutes long). you have 5-10 minutes before and after to shower and get dressed!

    We can usually accommodate longer float sessions -- just ask!

    We also recommend that you carve out time post-float for reflection and continued relaxation. Coming out of a float session, you might feel euphoric or even a little disoriented; you’ve just had a solid hour of time to yourself, so jumping right back into daily life might be slightly jarring. Even if it’s a few minutes, we invite you to enjoy sit in our lobby with a juice or water and gather or sketch out your thoughts before going about your day.

  • Do you wear anything in the tank?

    Since it is a private experience, most people choose not to wear any clothing. You’ll have the room to yourself and be required to shower both before and after. Anything you wear will press against your body, becoming a possible distraction. Please feel free!

  • Is floating safe for pregnant women?

    Yes! All stages of pregnancy are ok to float, except for women that are having difficulties physically or internally during the first trimester, in which case, simply consult with your obgyn. Floating is ideal for pregnant women as it alleviates pressure on the skeletal system, joints and assists in relieving muscle tension. It also positively affects mood and sleep. Here is some other information about pregnancy and floating:

    Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt)

    Epsom Salt will decrease aches and pains that come with pregnancy. Magnesium is completely natural. It reduces inflammation, relaxes muscles that are responsible for contraction, repairs body tissues, interferes with pain receptors, regulates blood sugar levels, and helps to increase serotonin (the feel-good hormone). Magnesium will help your sweet baby too, as it is an essential ingredient in healthy bone and organ formation. Plus, magnesium is one of the main components of mother’s milk!

  • What if I am claustrophobic?

    Our float pods are spacious (8.5 feet long, 5 feet wide and 4.25 feet high) allowing one to put their arms over their head, out to the sides, and sit up in the pod if necessary. It is large enough to enter and exit the pod while in a standing position. Although many choose to float in complete darkness, inside lighting is available, and the door to the float pod can be opened at any time. The thought of being in a dark space can be frightening to some. However, as with your eyes closed, total black does not create an enclosed, confined, limited, or restricted feeling; it actually seems vast or unlimited. You are in complete control of your surroundings and you can exit the pod at any time. This is not at all like an MRI where you have to sit perfectly still, amongst a tight enclosure.

  • Is the water sanitary?

    Yes! Salt is a natural anti-microbial and antiseptic, especially at the high concentration present in the floatation pods. The water in our pods are completely filtered three times in between floats, through a high-tech filtration system which filters down to 1 micron and is then put through [ozonation][2] and UV filtration. Hydrogen Peroxide and other natural enzymes are added daily as part of our daily cleaning process. The water is many times more sanitary than a swimming pool or spa. [2]: http://www.water-research.net/index.php/ozonation

  • Will I be able to resume my daily activities when I get out?

    Yes. However, it may be wise to arrange your schedule so you don't have to rush out after your float. Many people enjoy savoring the peace and quiet before jumping back into the daily grind.

  • What if I cannot swim?

    The float pod is filled with only 10-12 inches of water and has such a high density of Epsom salt that any individual, big or small, will float like a cork atop the water.


    Our float tanks have been tested with floaters weighing up to 350 pounds who have been able to float without issue. Feel free to come in and try it! If for some reason it simply doesn’t work, we’ll refund you! (note: this has never happened)

  • Who can (or cannot) Float?

    In general, most people can float and floating is a wonderful way to manage stress, anxiety and inflammation, pain and sleep. The caution is that you will be subjected to a state of deep relaxation and while this is a good thing, you need to be sure that any medical condition that can be influenced by this deep state of relaxation, will not be problematic. Examples include things that may be life threatening, such as a seizure or asthma not controlled by medication. Please review the following list for other cautions. Feel free to contact us to clarify any questions or concerns.

    Do not float if you suffer from uncontrolled seizures or epilepsy.

    Do not float if you have an infectious disease or active widespread skin discorder like excema, psoriasis or shingles. The key here is infectious, or widespread. Small patches of skin disorders are fine and any possible discomfort from the super salty water can be mitigated by applying vaseline to the area.

    Consult a physician if you are currently undergoing chemotherapy or if you have recently had any invasive medical procedures.

    Those with very high or very low blood pressure should check with their physician.

    Do not float with open wounds.

    Do not float if you have uncontrolled kidney disease.

    Do not float if you are intoxicated.

    Use caution if you have tubes in your ears. Wearing earplugs while floating is always recommended.

    Do not float in your first trimester of pregnancy if it has been a difficult period of time physically or internally. Otherwise, floating while pregnant is a great idea.

    *Do not float if you have a urinary tract or yeast infection.

    If you have any medical conditions not listed here but may be of concern, please consult a physician before your float session, and bring it to the attention of one of our staff members before you float.


Cancellation policy

We understand that life happens, and occasionally you will need to cancel or reschedule your appointment; however, we do have a 24-hour cancellation policy. Let us know, as soon as you can, if you will be unable to keep your appointment. If you fail to adhere to the 24-hour cancellation policy, please note that we will charge your credit card on file for the amount of your scheduled services unless you reschedule with us within 5 days of your booked appointment. We hope that you will understand this policy is simply to ensure our survival, and is in no way intended to punish or harm our valued clients.

No-show policy

We all forget sometimes. Each customer is allowed one no-show appointment without repercussions. Each appointment that you fail to show up to after that, you will be charged the full amount.

All service credits (individual or as part of a package), gift cards, and membership credits purchased have no cash value. We do not refund services but they can be transfer to another client or used for tanning or spa services

Late arrival

Arriving late will simply limit the time for your treatment, as your treatment will end on time to ensure the next guest will not be delayed. The full value of your treatment will be applied regardless of late arrivals.